Migrate on-pre VDI data to AWS Workspace


Would like to know what would be the way to migrate per user data currently hosted at on-prem vdi to AWS workspaces? Will this be a case to case migration since the on-prem VDI data might be only accessible via the individual user or is there a way to bulk migrate all the on-prem vdi users data and have it integrated with AWS workspace for a like to like match?

3개 답변

Since there is no drive redirection in Amazon WorkSpaces currently, to migrate user data you'll need to determine which is actually required - just files or the entire user persona? For most customers, I recommend USMT from Microsoft as that is designed to migrate the user state. Otherwise if only files are required, having a script that copies User Shell Folders (e.g. Documents, Downloads, etc.) to a file server, and then after first logon to the Amazon WorkSpace the script copies them to the new user profile. Third party vendors such as Liquidware ProfileUnity can simplify this process even further.

답변함 3년 전

Our approach is to configure workspace with pre-built windows and license included and not use existing licenses. What we are really trying to figure out is how to move individual user data mostly files and folders into the corresponding workspace for the same user. The additional constraint though is to make sure the files and folders migration is not traversing over public internet.

답변함 3년 전

Hi the best way to migrate from on-premise VDI to AWS Workspaces is by using VMware VDI exporting then creating an image from it [1]. Please know that migration to workspace is supported through BYOL [2] and the are requirement to be meet.

I have added links that explains in details how to achieve a successful migration


1.Requirements for importing a VM into Amazon EC2. https://docs.aws.amazon.com/vm-import/latest/userguide/vmie_prereqs.html

2.Use your Windows desktop licenses on WorkSpaces. https://docs.aws.amazon.com/workspaces/latest/adminguide/byol-windows-images.html

답변함 3년 전
  • That would only migrate the OS image, not the user data.

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