SES receiver delay


One of our customers is complaining about receiving their mails with a ~30-minute delay.
How can we deduce where the problem is ?
Is there an option to view delayed mails ?

According to this: Three places where your email could get delayed when sending through SES
It may be an ISP problem, but we want to see some log that confirms it.

1개 답변


The doc you are referring to is correct. You should be checking your application log to make sure that it sends out the message directly, and there is no delay in conveying the message to SES. After that, you should be getting a message ID, and open a case with Premium Support. They will be able to pull out the internal logs and compare the different time stamps of the respective message, then advise where exactly the delay comes from. For example, if the message has been received from your application at 00:00:01, then it was sent out from SES at 00:00:01 and a response has been obtained from the ISP that the message has been received at 00:00:02, but your recipient is reporting that it has been received at 00:15:00, then the issue is with the ISP, as it has received the message and needed time to place that message in the inbox of the recipient.

Of course this is an example of how things go, but better open a case with Premium Support, and provide a message ID, and they will advise!

Best Regards, Mo

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답변함 2년 전

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