EKS Blueprints access cluster as admin


I create a simple cluster with CDK and eks Blueprints. But management console tells me that: Your current IAM principal doesn’t have access to Kubernetes objects on this cluster.

How I can set in Blueprints builder a role to allow all AdminUsers access to the Cluster?

2개 답변

Hi Ognif,
For blueprint construct access, you'll need to create an IAM Role Resource Provider, which will create a new role based on the policy needed to access the EKS cluster. Otherwise, if you only need to grant access to specific users or roles to access clusters via the console, then this guide provides a quick way to grant access. As usual, it's best to follow the principle of least privilege, and you can view the AWS managed policies for EKS here.

Also, please check out this blog post. It's a great reference and guide for bootstrapping clusters with EKS Blueprints.

Best regards,

profile pictureAWS
답변함 3달 전


The eks-blueprints framework provides support for onboarding and managing teams and easily configuring cluster access. Currently support two Team types: ApplicationTeam and PlatformTeam. ApplicationTeam represent teams managing workloads running in cluster namespaces and PlatformTeam represents platform administrators who have admin access (masters group) to clusters.

You can find sample code: https://aws-quickstart.github.io/cdk-eks-blueprints/teams/teams/

profile pictureAWS
지원 엔지니어
답변함 3달 전

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