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is it possible to converta spark dataframe to dynamic frame and then using bookmark feature on the s3 folder used to read data in spark frame

df ="s3://folder/")
df = df.withColumn('filename', input_file_name())
AmazonS3_node1697616892615 = DynamicFrame.fromDF(df, glueContext, "s3sparkread")

if this is the code will the folder be bookmarked ? i want to read only new data coming to the folder.

i need to read in spark data frame as i am facing this issue []( repost link)

1개 답변

No, that will just transform the data already read but won't keep track of files.
Bookmarks require a DynamicFrame and a transaction_ctx specified.

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답변함 일 년 전
  • what can i change in this code to do bookmarking , i cannot read the data directly in to dynamic frame as i need the s3 file name in one of the columns.

    Do i need to modify this line to have some thing more

    AmazonS3_node1697616892615 = DynamicFrame.fromDF(df, glueContext, "s3sparkread")

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