Different layouts of Shanghai Sudu track


I just noticed there are two quite different Shanghai Sudu track layouts.

One is offered when creating a new model (AWS DeepRacer > Reinforcement learning > Create model) and labeled as Shanghai Sudu Training.
The other is offered on virtual circuit page (AWS DeepRacer > DeepRacer Virtual Circuit > Shanghai Sudu) and labeled just as Shanghai Sudu.

Does it mean that the models are trained on a one track and then compete against each other on a different one?

질문됨 5년 전281회 조회
1개 답변
수락된 답변

You can't train directly on the virtual circuit tracks.

Each race in the circuit has its own new competition track that you cannot directly trained on. This is to prevent people from just overfitting a model on the trainable track to get the best time. The virtual circuit will resemble the matching trainable circuit, but will be changed just enough to ensure your model needs to be generalized.

답변함 5년 전

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