Mobile Number Porting for Amazon Connect


Hi, We have a customer query from Australia. Below are the points which we need to clear:

  1. Customer has 50 Australian mobile numbers they want to port those numbers to Amazon Connect.
  2. Can we use the same numbers for voice and SMS?

Regards, Ibrahim

1개 답변

Hello Ibrahim,

  1. Yes, all the 50 numbers can be ported to any Amazon Connect instances in ap-southeast-1, ap-southeast-2, ap-northeast-1 and ap-northeast-2. You will need to produce the following documents over a support case to proceed with this request:
  • Last invoice
  • Letter of Authorization (LOA)
  • Documents required for the Type of Number, as listed in the previous table for ordering phone numbers

You can read more about it here.

  1. No, we do not have the provision to use the same number for both voice (on Connect) and SMS.
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