Automating Data Exchange (API) using Lambda and SAM - Unable to Locate OpenAPI for Importing Assets


I have a question regarding automating the process of creating a dataset, revision, and jobs in data exchange (API) using lambda functions and SAM template. I am trying to achieve this using Boto3, but I am facing an issue during the job creation step where I am unable to locate OpenAPI. Can someone guide me on how to resolve this issue?

I would appreciate any help or suggestions on how to automate this process successfully.

Thank you.

1개 답변

In terms of providing the OpenAPI specification while creating an API data set, this can be done as part of the CreateJob step. One of the parameters there is the ApiSpecificationMd5Hash, which is used for validation. When that is provided, an ApiSpecificationUploadUrl is then provided in the response. Once the specification is uploaded, start the job.

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