Infrastructure with savings plan to be decommissioned


Hi there, We are currently running 2 websites on separate infrastructure and plan to decommission the older site after we have moved the domain across to the newer one.

We have a savings plan for the older website that still has a couple of years to run but nothing for the newer one. So I wanted to know what would happen to the plan when the older website was decommissioned. Would we face any penalties for not seeing out the term or could the savings plan be transferred to the newer website?

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2개 답변
수락된 답변


There are no penalties for deleting EC2 while the Savings Plan period remains.
If your new website's EC2 is configured to qualify for Savings Plans, you will be eligible for the discount.
For example, if the remaining Savings Plan was purchased in us-east-1 and the target instance type is t3.medium, if the new EC2 instance type is t3, it should be eligible for the discount.

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Thank you!

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