problem to start cloud quest (could be the browser?)


After clic in the buttom to start the cloud quest in my browser (google chrome) i recive the next message :

have any the solutión of this?, i try with another browser, like Edge, and obtain the same message.

thanks for the replys

질문됨 2달 전63회 조회
4개 답변
수락된 답변

If you're having trouble starting AWS Cloud Quest and receiving an error, try the following:

  1. Use a 64-bit version of Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, or Mozilla Firefox.
  2. Clear your browser's cache and cookies.
  3. Disable browser extensions to rule out interference.
  4. Use Incognito/Private Browsing mode to avoid issues with cookies or extensions.
  5. Check your system meets the minimum requirements and update your graphics drivers.
  6. Try accessing the game from a different network if possible.
  7. Restart your computer to resolve any temporary issues.
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검토됨 2달 전
  • Hi, yes, CloudQuest only works in 64-bit versions of major browsers. So, pls, update to such a version.



As mentioned in the error message, I think you need to make sure that you are using a 64-bit version of the browser you are using.
For Edge, you can check by following the steps in the document below.

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Thanks for the fast reply. I did all the things than you tell me and not get any possitive (check de 64 bits version, active open gl, clean cookies and cache), and always send me to the that black screen with the same message of error. i will try in firefox and i will update.

답변함 2달 전

it work. in mozilla firefox start without problem. Thanks por the support. i dont know why dont start on chrome (64 bits) or Edge (64 bits also) but in mozilla work fine. greetings

답변함 2달 전

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