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Increase EKS Fargate storage


Each pod running on Fargate receives 20 GB of container image layer storage. Is there a way to increase this storage? I noticed there is a way for ECS, but could not find anything for EKS.

질문됨 2년 전2.2천회 조회
3개 답변

Today, you can't update the ephemeral storage associated with an EKS Fargate pod. My suggestion would be to look into mounting an EFS volume.

답변함 2년 전
  • Unfortunately, EFS volume mounting won't work as 2 of our images are already bigger than 20GiB.



I understand you want to know if it is possible to increase storage on EKS, well by default, Fargate tasks that are launched with platform version 1.40 include a task storage size of 20 GiB as a single ephemeral volume. If you need more than 20 GiB of storage, you can configure more storage using two options:

1.Use Fargate's ephemeral storage option for storage up to 200 GiB. Ephemeral storage is non-persistent storage.

2.Use Amazon Elastic File System (Amazon EFS) volumes for scalable file storage. Amazon EFS volumes provide[1]

however this options are only compatable with fargate ECS storage not EKS meaning it you can't increase it using either of the above mentioned method as eks doesn't support ephemeral storage(non-persistent)

Reference link


답변함 2년 전
  • That's unfortunate, I don't understand why Amazon doesn't provide this feature for EKS. EFS volume mounting won't work as 2 of our images are already bigger than 20GiB.


You can add larger volumes with EKS fargate now:

apiVersion: v1
kind: LimitRange
  name: storage-limit-range
  - defaultRequest:
      ephemeral-storage: 20Gi
      ephemeral-storage: 175Gi
    type: Container
답변함 일 년 전

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