Steps to upgrade the AWS SDK from v2 to v3


My app is working fine with v2 of the AWS-SDK, but I see that when I run tests, there's a message stating that v2 is being moved to maintenance mode soon. I tried running aws-sdk-js-codemod per, but I keep getting $ command not found when I run

$ npx aws-sdk-js-codemod@latest -t v2-to-v3 PATH...

I know I have npx installed because I ran $ npx create-react-app right before that.

What I want is a set of examples such as those found here:

If it's just a matter of converting the import I have

import AWS from "aws-sdk";

to that found in the docs, namely

import * as AWS from 'aws-sdk/global';

please advise.

질문됨 7달 전422회 조회
2개 답변


When you run the command, try not to put the "$" symbol in the beginning, as it is generally used to indicate the command is being run in the terminal or command prompt.
The $ is not part of the command itself. It simply represents the command prompt and $ is not meant to be typed.

So, your command should be:

npx aws-sdk-js-codemod@latest -t v2-to-v3 example.ts

For more details regarding upgrading from v2 to v3, you can follow the guide: [1] [2].



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답변함 7달 전
  • Hi Atul,

    Thanks for replying. I am aware that $ represents a bash prompt and it wasn't included in the command. I also substituted in the correct path for PATH. That said,

    npx aws-sdk-js-codemod@latest -t v2-to-v3 PATH...

    didn't work, stating command not found.

    For the record, I am not trying to use Lambdas, DynamoDB or S3. I am trying to use Cognito and I need instructions for how to perform all the operations detailed in I had already read the docs you cite and didn't find them helpful.


Friendly ping.

답변함 6달 전

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