EC2 instance - nic speed


I have a EC2 instance, running RHEL 8. I would like to view the network interface card (nic) speed from the command line. Is there a command that will display the speed for the nic? I've used the ethtool command, but I only get an output of 2 lines of information - neither of which is the speed.

ethtool eth0

Settings for eth0: Link detected: yes

질문됨 일 년 전748회 조회
1개 답변
수락된 답변

The "ethernet" port that is presented to your instance is a virtual port - it's not a physical port and therefore doesn't have a speed that is negotiated (like a physical port does).

Different instance types have different networking capabilities. The documentation talks about how to find the available bandwidth for your instance type.

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답변함 일 년 전
  • How is it different from windows based EC2 ..because I can see the speed in windows?

    name LinkSpeed Status InterfaceDescription

    Ethernet 2 1 Gbps Up AWS PV Network Device #0

  • Hello Brettski, your answer "hit the nail squarely on the head"!!! Many, many, many thanks for a great response, and for the additional documentation.

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