No Solution Stack named '64bit Amazon Linux 2 v3.1.2 running Go 1' found.


I was trying to run TheThingsNetwork quick start integration with AWS, and it fails to complete.

The first error it fails on is:
No Solution Stack named '64bit Amazon Linux 2 v3.1.2 running Go 1' found. (Service: AWSElasticBeanstalk; Status Code: 400; Error Code: InvalidParameterValue; Request ID: 472190c0-7f96-48e3-9c4f-f5b046790d95; Proxy: null)

I've tried to figure out what valid Solution Stack versions are available but cant' find it listed anywhere. I tried to read the CloudFormation template to see if I could use it as a roadmap to manually create the Elastic Beanstalk application, but nothing matches up what I'm seeing in the template.

What's the best way to figure out/resolve this?

질문됨 4년 전2314회 조회
1개 답변
수락된 답변

So I believe the issue is in the template provided by TTN. If you scroll down in the template in the section under the header "TTNConfigurationTemplate:" they define "SolutionStackName" as "64bit Amazon Linux 2 v3.1.2 running Go 1." If you go into Elastic Beanstalk and try to manually create your own environment you'll see that the only option given by AWS is "64bit Amazon Linux 2 v3.1.1 running Go 1" and that no version 3.1.2 is available. You'll need to download the template and change v3.1.2 to v3.1.1 and then manually create the stack yourself.

답변함 4년 전

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