Amazon Rekognition Only for Object Detection


Is there a parameter for the rekognition API that specifies that I'm not interested in any labels that don't have instances? I am drawing bounding boxes around detected objects, so objects without instances are useless. Im using the python SDK, boto3 version 1.26.18.

질문됨 2년 전391회 조회
1개 답변

Hi rePost-User-5089220,

Can you please elaborate what you are looking for ? Are you using DetectCustomLabels or DetectLabels API ? If you are trying to filter out some of labels from detection results, there is no label filtering for DetectCustomLabels. In other case, you can check out DetectLabels API documentation here for Filter inclusion and exclusion parameters.

Please let us know if you need further assistance.

Thanks for reaching out to us.

답변함 2년 전
  • Hi, I'm using the DetectLabels API. I am already using filters, but I was wondering whether it's possible to filter the response so that it only returns detections with instances. In other words, I'm looking to do object detection rather than classification, as I'm using the response from amazon to draw bounding boxes around the detections I find. For example, in this response, I got 4 labels, but only 3 had instances. Is it possible to add a parameter that ensures the face label wouldn't have been returned because it didn't have any instances?

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