AWS AppFlow connector for OData and SAP Web Dispatchers


I am looking to expose SAP S/4 OData to AppFlow using PrivateLink as described here. Just wanting to know if it is possible to deploy the SAP Web Dispatcher in between the NLB and the SAP Gateways.

AppFlow => NLB => Web Dispatcher => SAP Gateway.

질문됨 2년 전588회 조회
1개 답변
수락된 답변

yes, SAP Web dispatcher can be deployed if it is configured correctly to forward requests to the SAP Gateway instance. The typical sap web dispatcher to SAP Gateway connectivity setup required for any Fiori implementation should be enough. Just that the NLB needs to have target instance SAP Web dispatcher and Web dispatcher will forward the request to sap based on the routing rules.

답변함 2년 전
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