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I had this same issue. I found that having "s3:GetBucketOwnershipControls" permissions on the bucket allowed the console upload to work. I assume that by allowing the console to see that bucket owner ownership is enforced it doesn't try to use an ACL, which previously caused the upload failures.
The only way I found to fix this was to temporarily enable ACLs on the destination bucket and then turn them off afterwards. Seems like a bug.
Wasn't able to reproduce this. ACL disabled + bucket owner enforced bucket is supposed to work in AWS console without any issues. How are you accessing the AWS console to account A's bucket? Is the URL "https://s3.console.aws.amazon.com/s3/buckets/BUCKET_NAME" ?
Correct, I use that URL to access it, btw I did some diging in CloudTrail and it shows that the successful API call from aws cli uses this header on the request: x-amz-acl:“bucket-owner-full-control”, but when I do it through the console on the browser that header is missing. Thanks.
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- AWS 공식업데이트됨 3년 전
this fixed it for me. thank you for posting.