How to connect to RDS aurora MYSQL private DB using Boto3?


I tried searching ways to connect to RDS aurora serverless MYSQL private db found a way here, but it is asking secret arn of the DB, unable to find that one out can anyone help me with the way to generate secret ARN or a way to connect to RDS aurora serverless MYSQL private db i am able to fetch all remaining details for the option mentioned in the above link, steps i am following:

  1. created RDS aurora serverless MYSQL private db
  2. connected a ec2 instance
  3. generating python script to connect to rds if you suggest any alternative, that is also fine, TIA
1개 답변

If you're referring to this documentation then it will only work if you have an Aurora Serverless v1 (not v2) and a Data API enabled.

When enabling the Data API, you'll be creating a secret, and its ARN then you'll be putting in the secret_arn variable in that python script

답변함 2년 전
  • can you please explain how to connect to serverless V2 using python?

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