RDS Checkpoint and CPU Util sudden spike


Hi I have crawler engine that run on 1st and 15th every month, I noticed there is spike on checkpoint lag and CPU utilization. Currently using: db.t3.medium instance

Checkpoint lag: from100-140 -> 600 CPU Utilization: from 10% -> 30-50%

  1. Will it affect any connections coming to RDS?
  2. Should I do some adjustments / upgrading my RDS instance?

PS: sorry for my bad English level ;'(

1개 답변


Checkpoint lag: from100-140 -> 600 CPU Utilization: from 10% -> 30-50%

Is it under load for a long time?
If it's about 1 to 2 hours, I don't think there will be any problem with this kind of load without upgrading the specs.
Also, since it is a database, I recommend checking the memory usage rate as well.
If you enable extended monitoring of RDS, you can see the memory usage rate.

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검토됨 3달 전
  • Hi, thanks for answering my question! memory usage around 1.5G to 2G

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