Cloud watch Metric shows CPU utilisation as 600%


Cloud watch Metric shows CPU utilization for one of my ECS clusters as 600%Enter image description here

I don't know how to interpret this info. Is the utilization really go above 100% if so there should be some scaling but there is no such scaling up activity.

2개 답변

CpuUtilized metric - The CPU units used by tasks in the resource that is specified by the dimension set that you're using. Please refer here.

It is not the percentage of CPU being utilized, but the number of CPU units being utilized. If you've set your CPU reservation value in your task definition, this metric will tell you about the number of units of CPU being utilized at a certain point in time.

profile pictureAWS
지원 엔지니어
답변함 2년 전
  • Its a Fargate container, no reservation is set to this task


The following AWS official document mentioned that CPU utilisation of ECS may exceed 100 %, which we hope will be helpful. [1]

[1] Amazon ECS CloudWatch metrics - Amazon Elastic Container Service

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답변함 2년 전

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