Windows CodeDeploy - deploy to different destinations based on deployment group


I would like to know if it is possible to deploy your artifacts to different folders in a Windows server based on the deployment group name?

We have a deployment application for EC2/ On prem deployment and we would like to deploy the same artifacts to different folders in different deployment groups.

질문됨 2년 전382회 조회
1개 답변
수락된 답변

I've figured out that we can use AfterInstall for this Install will copy the artifacts to a common folder The AfterInstall script can then read "DEPLOYMENT_GROUP_NAME" environment variable in a script to copy files from the common folder to the respective directory

Example "AfterInstall" script file for Windows here:

@echo off


REM Set source and destination directories based on DEPLOYMENT_GROUP_NAME
set "source_dir=c:\web\codedeploy"

if "%DEPLOYMENT_GROUP_NAME%"=="staging" (
    set "dest_dir=C:\web\staging-app\"
) else (
   set "dest_dir=C:\web\prod-app\"

REM Copy files from source directory to destination directory
xcopy /s /e /y "%source_dir%" "%dest_dir%"

echo "Files copied successfully!"
답변함 2년 전

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