SUSE Linux SSM Error


Getting the below error while scanning one of the SUSE linux server in this account.

root [INFO]: reading creds from ssm identity config root [INFO]: reading creds from ssm share file config root [INFO]: No credentials found in ssm_identity_config root [INFO]: reading creds from metadata_v2 config root [INFO]: Reading Local Configuration file

We also did not get any error in the SSM error option but i found this in the SSM output option.

질문됨 2달 전256회 조회
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수락된 답변

Hi USER check the steps to resolve issue hope it helps :

The SUSE Linux server is unable to find valid credentials for accessing SSM. This is indicated by the error messages stating that no credentials were found in the various checked locations

  1. Verify SSM Agent Installation: Ensure the SSM Agent is correctly installed and running on the SUSE Linux server.
  2. Check IAM Role Permissions: Confirm that the EC2 instance associated with the server has an IAM role with necessary permissions to access SSM.
  3. Inspect SSM Agent Configuration: Review the SSM Agent configuration file for any errors or incorrect settings.
  4. Test Network Connectivity: Verify network connectivity between the SUSE server and SSM services.
  5. Inspect Security Groups: Ensure that the security groups allow communication between the server and SSM.
  6. Rotate Instance Credentials: If using instance profile credentials, rotate them to see if it resolves the issue.

For More follow the links

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