AWS secrets manager documentation help


Hello everyone, I've never used AWS on a deep level and I need your help.


I found this document very helpful to my use case, but I have no clue where to execute/download what.

for example step 1 asks you to build secrets manager binary. but it does not tell you where, locally? on AWS? it mentions AL2023, but I didn't know AWS has a file system.

and in step 2 it says to "use the install script" (which is a Bash file in the GitHub repo) but how do I use it?

I need help understanding how and where to use these instruction. your help is greatly appreciated.

Thank you

1개 답변


AWS Secrets Manager Agent is an agent that manages and caches secrets in a computing environment.
In other words, the environment that needs to be installed is the server or PC running the application.

The repository used in step 2 is the GitHub repository below.

You can install it using the following installation script in this repository.

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  • Ok, thanks. but where do I run it and how? can you please help me?

  • For example, if you are running an application on Amazon Linux 2023 EC2, you can install it as follows. Please connect to EC2 using SSH etc. and execute the following commands.

    sudo su -
    # Run it if you haven't installed git on EC2.
    sudo dnf install git -y
    # Please clone from the Secrets Manager Agent repository.
    sudo git clone
    cd aws-secretsmanager-agent/
    sudo dnf -y groupinstall "Development Tools"
    curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh
    . "$HOME/.cargo/env"
    cargo build --release
    # You can confirm that a file called "aws_secretsmanager_agent" has been created.
    ls target/release/ -l
    mv target/release/aws_secretsmanager_agent aws_secretsmanager_agent/configuration/aws_secretsmanager_agent
    cd aws_secretsmanager_agent/configuration/
    bash install
  • I run my server in elastic beanstalk which manages EC2 instances, is this possible there?

  • It can also be used with ElasitcBeanstalk's EC2, but since ElasitcBeanstalk's EC2 is supposed to be managed by AutoScaling, you need to run the installation command on the EC2 you want to use as the AMI used by AutoScaling.
    You can create a custom AMI by following the steps in the document below.

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