Greengrass StreamManager - Retry after internet disconnectivity



I am using this component from aws labs to upload images to s3. I will be deploying this in an environment with intermittent internet connectivity. During my tests, I noticed once the internet disconnects and connects, the stream manager component takes around 5 minutes to read and process tasks from the stream. How can I configure the stream manager to read the stream more often (less than 1 minute)?

This is what I found in Greengrass docs about retries, but couldn't find any mention of it being a configurable parameter. For failed export attempts, stream manager continually retries exporting data to the AWS Cloud at intervals of up to five minutes.

Appreciate any help.

질문됨 2년 전343회 조회
1개 답변


Sorry but the 5 minute retry timeout is not configurable. We currently have no plans to make this configurable.

답변함 2년 전

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