Selective email forwarding from SES to Workmail with Lambda


Hello folks,

I am using AWS for several private purposes as well, including workmail. Unfortunately it lacks an important feature that helped me a lot in the past: catchall.
When giving away my email address I have been using, where "partner" is the company, club or organisation. Once I start receiving SPAM or unwanted ads I could easily tell who was selling my address or had security issues.

Now I need to become creative. My idea: I am using as primary Workmail domain, with as my primary email address.
Then I want to use SES to trigger a Lambda function whenever an email arrives to any ****** address and forward it to

Would that be a good practice to go for?

질문됨 6년 전577회 조회
1개 답변


Thank you for your interest in WorkMail and AWS. For the Catch all feature, I will plus 1 the ticket on your behalf. For the mail filtering on domains, you can assign multiple email aliases to you users. This will allow you to configure as primary email address and configure as an alias. Both email addresses will deliver to your mailbox and you can create a mailbox rule to filter messages sent to the aliases.

WorkMail also supports Mail flow rules with Lambda execution, while functionality is limited right now you can configure a lambda to trigger a CloudWatch alarm when a message to is received. More information can be found here:

I hope these options cover your use case. If you have any more questions, feel free to ask here.

Kind regards,

답변함 6년 전

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