LightSail WordPress Needs Reboot



I have few LightSail WordPress Sites and they are on the 512Mb, lowest LightSail Package. I have never had this issue before and lately despite there no change to WP or site traffic or load, the sites time to time (Weekly or Fortnightly) needs to be rebooted. I am running like maybe ten of these light site (traffic/complexity) on a cPanel with much less resources and they never fail to be present.

Could someone help here please.



질문됨 한 달 전47회 조회
1개 답변


Are there any abnormalities in Lightsail's CPU usage and CPU burst capacity metrics?
Especially since the Lightsail you're using seems to be on a smaller plan, it should have less CPU burst capacity and lower baseline throughput, so it's possible that you'll quickly use up your CPU burst capacity as CPU usage increases.
If the CPU burst capacity is used up, the performance will drop to the baseline throughput, which will affect the display of the website.

By the way, the Lightsail instance plan you are using will start consuming CPU burst capacity when the CPU usage rate exceeds 5%.

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답변함 한 달 전
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검토됨 25일 전
  • I am not really able to read this properly, but it is the max pick I see is 78% for an instance I assume.

  • but it is the max pick I see is 78% for an instance I assume.

    An instance's CPU usage of 78% is above the baseline throughput and may be consuming CPU burst capacity. Also, if Lightsail is using that much CPU usage, it may be due to insufficient specifications, so I think it would be a good idea to consider changing to a Lightsail instance plan with higher specifications.

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