Unable to connect to Load balancer on port 443


I have a Load balancer listening on port 443. I am unable to telnet to the DNS name on port 443 from either the EC2 or my own IP at home. The LB allows inbound connections from ALL IPV4 and IPV6 and allows for LB to EC2 host connectivity outbound to my EC2 instance ( The health check on my EC2 listener targets is also failing. I am assuming that this is due to the VPC configuration. I am NOT a networking expert as someone set up the VOC for me. Any help is greatly appreciated thx Charlie DIDonato

I have a VPC with Network info below public subnet-925291ea Available vpc-5d3e4f25 | public sphof – 4086 us-west-2a usw2-az1 us-west-2 – acl-32d41d49 Yes Yes No - No 064138676421 – subnet-a3cb27e9 Available vpc-5d3e4f25 | public sphof – 4088 us-west-2b usw2-az2 us-west-2 – acl-32d41d49 Yes Yes No - No 064138676421 – subnet-946a3fbf Available vpc-5d3e4f25 | public sphof – 4091 us-west-2d usw2-az4 us-west-2 – acl-32d41d49 Yes Yes No - No 064138676421 – subnet-e0b964bd Available vpc-5d3e4f25 | public sphof – 4088

질문됨 6달 전168회 조회
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The health check on my EC2 listener targets is also failing.

I think it is best to first make the ALB health check successful.
Are you allowing ALB health check ports in your EC2 security group inbound rules?
Also, is the web server running on EC2?
Is it supposed to respond with HTTP status code 200 when accessing the document root of the web server?

Are you using ACM or similar to set up SSL certificates in ALB?
Also, do you have an A record set in ALB for your domain?

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