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Move files from EC2 windows instance in Account A to S3 bucket in Account B


What is the best approach to move files from a Windows EC2 instance in Account A to an S3 bucket in Account B?

  • Need a few more specifics here.
    File information: Are you moving a large number of files? A large number of small files? Do you have to try to preserve directory structure with prefixes? Do you need to preserve some meta data?
    Network information: Do you need to ensure that it stays within the customer network environment (VPCs)?

질문됨 2년 전387회 조회
2개 답변

Since you said that it needs to be real time, it sounds like this is an ongoing data sync, as opposed to a migration. I'm going to make some inferences. Since you can't write directly to S3 - probably due to the application expecting a windows file system and writing locally - have you considered dropping an S3 file gateway in the environment? You could share the gateway to the windows instance and it can be mounted so that it appears as a file system, then it can sync up with S3. Typically, file gateways are put on-prem, but they don't need to be.

답변함 2년 전
  • (For some reason, it didn't post when I composed this awhile ago :( ... maybe my click-to-post just didn't click...sorry)


Thank you for the follow up. Here are more details. There are a large number of files that need to be moved. It has to be real time and it has to be cross account within the same organization. Structure does need to be preserved.

답변함 2년 전

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