How Do You Create a New Vivado Project that Connects to the F1_inst block in the FPGA Developer AMI?



I started an EC2 instance running the FPGA Developer AMI, and tried to use Vivado to create a new project that wraps custom Verilog Designs for use in Amazon F1 FPGAs. So far, I cannot get Vivado to synthesize anything other than the Demo projects.


  1. On an EC2 instance running the FPGA Developer AMI: open a terminal, create a directory named "test_fpga", cd into the directory
  2. run source ~/.../aws-fpga/
  3. run vivado
  4. When Vivado starts, click "Create a new Project". Select all defaults
  5. In the Tcl console run: aws::make_ipi
  6. This creates a block diagram in which the f1_inst block is created and not connected to anything. click "Run Synthesis".

Vivado returns an error message saying that it cannot find modules such as Microblaze. The synthesis fails.


Is there any documentation explaining how to create a new project and synthesize it?

I can synthesize the cl_hello_world example by running aws::make_ipi -examples cl_hello_world in the Tcl console, but I'm not asking how to customize one of these projects, I'm asking how to start a new Vivado project, add my own Verilog files, and connect those designs to the F1_inst block.

Please help, Thanks

질문됨 2년 전437회 조회
1개 답변

Dear customer, Thank you so much for your interest in AWS. Just to make sure, is this question same as the other thread here or are there any issues added here that are not brought up/discussed in the other thread.


답변함 2년 전

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