AWS Network Firewall and VPN Gateway


I want to be able to use FQDN filtering on outbound traffic over the VPN. I can't get it to work. It looks like AWS Network Firewall doesn't support VPN Gateways. Is this correct and is there some way around it? A transit gateway perhaps?

2개 답변

You're correct; the workaround today is to use a Transit Gateway; attach the VPN to the Transit Gateway; and then inspect using Network Firewall either within the source VPC or by using route tables on the Transit Gateway to send traffic to an inspection VPC.

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답변함 2년 전

North-South: Centralized on-premises egress & ingress via Transit Gateway and Transit VIF/Direct Connect gateway/AWS Site-to-Site VPN

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Please refer this blog

답변함 2년 전

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