S3 Bucket Disappeared While Transferring into another Bucket in same account



My S3 has disappeared from the AWS UI. I was in the middle of transferring it between buckets in the same account and my broadband dropped and the service interrupted. I now can't find it at all. Asking the accounts team they said they could see the bucket but I have no idea where its disappeared too. Checking the logs it doesn't seem like the bucket was deleted either.

질문됨 3년 전353회 조회
2개 답변

It could be related to permissions. It is possible that someone modified the IAM policy that is applicable to you or has implemented a bucket policy and you no longer can list the buckets. Check with your account owner regards your permissions.

답변함 3년 전

I'm an admin so I doubt its a permissions issue. But thanks for the thought, it is a pretty common thing to overlook

답변함 3년 전

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