Best practice of keeping RDS private and managing it


I moved my RDS to a private subnet. But now I cannot connect to the DB using pgadmin locally. What is the best practice to manage a RDS?

2개 답변
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To connect to RDS using pgadmin etc. from a local terminal, I think the configuration of the following AWS blog will be helpful.
This configuration uses EC2 managed by Systems Manager as a stepping stone and performs port forwarding via Session Manager.

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답변함 8달 전
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검토됨 8달 전
  • Hello does this work for an existing RDS? I couldn't find a way so that I can attach an EC2 to the RDS.

  • Yes, you can use it with your existing RDS. For RDS communication from EC2, configure the RDS security group inbound rules to allow the database listening port just like a normal database. The EC2 bastion must be registered as a managed instance in Systems Manager.



It is not exactly the same, but if you are using an Aurora DB cluster, you could use the Aurora Query editor even when deployed on a private subnet.

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답변함 8달 전

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