"setattr" is failing on Datasync transfer. How to fix it?


I've recently setup a Datasync agent on-prem (VMWare based agent with a mounted Windows volume for storage) and although the data is syncing from S3->on-prem OK, the file attributes (timestamp) don't seem to be correct. I have many errors like this in CloudWatch:

[ERROR] Deferred error: setattr(name="/work/stats.txt", writeUid=0, writeGid=0, writeAtime=1, writeMtime=1, writeMode=0, uid=0, gid=0, atime=1710177106/0, mtime=1710177106/0, mode=000000): Permission denied

Is this a permission issue for the DataSync Agent service account or is there something that isn't configured correctly on the DataSync task?

질문됨 4달 전426회 조회
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Hi Thomas,

Permission denied while performing a setattr is typically permissions related to the destination location. For example, if the destination is FSx for Windows the user must be part of the AWS Delegated FSx Adminsitrators group to properly set extended attibutes [1]. Fsx for ONTAP with SMB has similar permission requirements [2]. If you do not have a requirement to preserve the extended attributes, you can disable them from being copied as part of the DataSync task with the Copy ownership and DACLs task option. [3]

[1] https://docs.aws.amazon.com/datasync/latest/userguide/create-fsx-location.html#create-fsx-location-access [2] https://docs.aws.amazon.com/datasync/latest/userguide/create-ontap-location.html [3] https://docs.aws.amazon.com/datasync/latest/userguide/configure-metadata.html

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