Compute Optimizer Dashboard on Quicksight only displays single day


Deployed 200 and 300 labs, including CUDOS, Cost Intelligence, and the Compute Optimizer Dashboard in Quicksight. The compute_optimizer_all_options dataset is refreshing daily but is ingesting the same number each time. The dashboard itself only shows me September 1st. Is this expected or how can I get it to refresh to show each day?

Bonus: I'm also trying to get AccountIDs to be Account Names instead, like how the lab guides you for the CUDOS dashboard.

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질문됨 일 년 전423회 조회
2개 답변

Check all the prerequisites as per this

Account mapping: If you have CUDOS dashboard installed with account_map, you can use this view to SELECT from account_map... CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW business_units_map AS SELECT account_id as account_id, account_name as account_name, 'Undefined' as bu FROM account_map

Refer the Well Architected Lab at

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답변함 일 년 전

I found that the issue was that it's driven by a lambda that only updates every 14 days. Manually running that lambda provided that day as an additional data point on the graph.

I already followed the instructions under "optional steps" and this ran successfully but did not change the display of AccountID to Account Name as expected int he Cost Optimization dashboard. The option steps to do so in the Cudos Dashboard worked well.

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답변함 일 년 전

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