AWS Contract Status for Test Account is showing as pending though contract has been successfully subscribed


We are integrating our SaaS product with AWS Marketplace. We are now in the testing phase of the integration. During our testing, we have seen that Contract subscribed from the AWS Marketplace using our test accounts is successfully provisioning our SaaS application to customer. However, in the marketplace we can see that contract status is still pending for the test customer. Message which is displayed is: "Your contract is currently pending. To modify your current contract please refresh the page after several minutes to check your contract status." Also, the "Click here to set up your account." link is still active though the SaaS application has been provisioned to the test customer. Do we need to configure anything else in order to make the contract status active on the AWS Marketplace side. Please guide here.

1개 답변


I understand that you are currently facing an issue with pending contract status in the marketplace.

Please note that we have a specialized team for AWS Marketplace queries.

(As an AWS Premium Support engineer myself, we don't have any visibility in the process to check upon your SaaS integration status or support AWS marketplace queries. Also the Customer Service team (the accounts and billing team), only handles the Marketplace buyer accounts and billing inquiries.)

Hence, you can get the fastest assistance for your use case directly from the AWS Marketplace - Seller Operations team by contacting them via web form at:

In additional to contacting the Seller Operations team, you may also find the SaaS section of the AWS Marketplace Seller Guide helpful as well, and can find it here:

Hope the above shared information is insightful to your query. In case, if you have any questions, then please feel free to reach out.




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지원 엔지니어
답변함 2년 전

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