Need Urgent help: Name correction in AWS Training and certification account


My current display name is : Swapnili Sushil Behere My correct name is : Swapnil Sushil Behere I have Cloud practitioner exam soon. I have already submitted a ticket for the same.

질문됨 6달 전176회 조회
2개 답변

If you have already submit the ticket, it will be worked on. Unfortunately that's the only official channel for name correction. People in this community will not be able to help or expedite.

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답변함 6달 전
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검토됨 6달 전

Customers can change their name in their Certification account two business days (48 hours) before their first exam. To change the name on your AWS Certification account, complete the following steps:

Log in to your AWS certification account Go to the Profile tab, and then choose “Account” Enter your legal first and last name exactly as it appears on your government issued ID. Select “Update Information”.

If the system does not allow you to make this update, then please submit a ticket to the AWS Training and Certification Support team ( Complete all required fields in the form.

In the Inquiry Type, select "Account Assistance" In the Additional Details, select "Name Change" In the How can we help you? please ask us to change your name Enter your name as it is listed on your valid forms of identification. Click the Submit button

답변함 6달 전

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