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Using EBS volumes as persistent storage in EKS Cluster


Hello everyone,

I found the ebs-csi-driver which gives me the possibility to create EBS volumes and attach them dynamically to my cluster nodes.

I know the volume will be bound to the AZ and have some limitations but I would like to know if there is a way in which the volume will follow the pod which uses it. Let me explain, if the pod A on Node1 is using the PV1(mounted of the latter node), when the pod A get rescheduled into Node2, in the same AZ as Node1, it won't be able to find its persistent storage because the volume stays mounted on the old node.

Is there a mechanisms which grant me the possibility to detatch and attach the volume dynamically to nodes folowing the pod behavior?

I know there's multi-attach and EFS, but currently both solution will have a higher cost the first because it is only available using Io1/io2 and volumeNode: Block and the latter is a total different system replicated cross AZ.

Thank you for your time!

1개 답변

Hey, EFS is a good solution here. It is replicated across AZ and also cheaper.

Use this blog to connect EFS with your EKS pods.

Let me know if you need something

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