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Linux compiler not producing required output


Hello there, I have been trying to upgrade my old Gamelift to newer version.

However the linux compiler didn't give out/prefix/lib/ as shown in the []

The prefix output folder was totally blank, and there was no error compiling this with linux cmake.

ps. I used because version was full of compiled errors. Can someone take a look into this?

ps2. Actually, I found a lot of depreciated symbol error from ./boost/operator.hpps. So both 2021 version and 2023 were totally uncompilabled due to code errors. So what do you suggest i do?

질문됨 일 년 전498회 조회
3개 답변

Please, can you just give us (or just me) the compiled files for both Window and Linux? Basically, we just need three files:

  • out\prefix\bin\aws-cpp-sdk-gamelift-server.dll
  • out\prefix\lib\aws-cpp-sdk-gamelift-server.lib
  • out/prefix/lib/

It's senseless to have customer build these for themselves when they won't have the same SDK environments as you guys. Just included it with your source code. If customer don't want it, they can just rebuild it themselves.

Already spent two days setting up Linux Virtual Machine and trying to find gamelift sdk version that can be compile across both platforms.

This is sad for something that should take 10 minutes to do.

답변함 일 년 전
  • Did you figure it out?


Hi, our service team is taking a look at this issue. Sorry for the inconvenience!

UPDATE 06/20/2023:

Our service team was able to build C++ SDK 5.0.4 successfully on Amazon Linux 2 using these commands:

mkdir out
cd out
cmake -G "Unix Makefiles" -DBUILD_FOR_UNREAL=1 ..  # We also tried omitting `-G`, which worked and defaulted to `Unix Makefiles`

This results in the file in build/prefix/lib directory. Our gcc version is 7.3.1, openssl version is 1.0.2k, cmake version is 3.25.3

Could you please provide some more details for us to conduct further investigations?

  • Platform for your build environment (ubuntu, redhat, macos, etc.)
  • gcc version
  • openssl version
  • cmake version
  • Full error messages for the compile errors
답변함 일 년 전

No you don't get it. We couldn't compile SDK 5.0.4 because it gave out a lot of errors on Window Build:

Enter image description here

We had to revert back to legacy 2021 version, which has no problem with Window Build. But its .SO file couldn't be compiled on Linux due to depreciated symbol errors.

So basically there's no version that can be compile successfully across both Window and Linux platform.

  • Best
답변함 일 년 전

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