Why Textract demo and boto3 Textract for Table give different result?


I tried to do Textract with one page pdf file using 1) Textract demo and 2) boto3 with sample code from here https://docs.aws.amazon.com/textract/latest/dg/examples-export-table-csv.html. However, the Textract demo gives better result than boto3. Why is that?

  • Can you comment on what specifically works better in the Textract demo (assuming you refer to the AWS Console Textract experience). The Console shows merged cells, which in a CSV you won't see as merged cells are not supported.

  • I am also facing such situations while detecting tables and converting them into csv demo is doing great but boto3 has some problems

질문됨 2년 전545회 조회
2개 답변


Please make sure you are using the same region when you are running Textract APIs. Also could you update your boto3 library using the following command: pip install --upgrade boto3

Thanks Ioan

답변함 2년 전

A bit late to the show, but textract demo is async behind the curtains, so if you are not going the async route with boto3 you might get different results for the same document. I got this very well explained to myself in here: https://repost.aws/questions/QUfi_3FSF4S2SfXXCmCFiAcw#ANdC661SRES1WZXpfe3pctlg

답변함 3달 전

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