AWS Signature Version 4 Credential Scope Issue


Hi, I am receiving the following error message from AWS Signature V4

"Date in Credential scope does not match YYYYMMDD from ISO-8601 version of date from HTTP: '20221227' != '20211227', from '20211227T060649Z'."

My application had been working perfectly for the last 6 months and then all of a sudden stopped on 2021-12-26. The troubleshooting page HERE does discuss this issue, but the dates in my error message appear to match and no other changes had been made. Has anyone else experienced, or is experiencing this?

2개 답변
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Quoting from the post

"Date in Credential scope does not match YYYYMMDD from ISO-8601 version of date from HTTP: '20221227' != '20211227', from '20211227T060649Z'."


..., but the dates in my error message appear to match and no other changes had been made.

It appears there is a date mismatch.

The year does not seem to be matching: 20221227

Would recommending checking again to confirm if there is any application bug related to year handling and then reaching out to AWS support if the issue persists.

답변함 2년 전
profile pictureAWS
검토됨 2년 전
  • Thank you!!! Silly error, I was using YYYY and not yyyy to parse my date.


Interesting. AWS checks for this first checks for x-amz-date header or query parameter, and then if that's not there for a date header.

Is the time stamp in UTC and in the following ISO 8601 format: YYYYMMDD'T'HHMMSS'Z' without milliseconds?

I haven't seen anything yet, but would be curious if something changed as well.

답변함 2년 전

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