InvalidDBParameterGroupState Unable to remove parameter groups


Hi all,

I have removed all neptune databases and when I was trying to delete 2 parameter groups, I got this error message:

Failed to delete default.neptune1: Default DBParameterGroup cannot be deleted: default.neptune1 (Service: AmazonRDS; Status Code: 400; Error Code: InvalidDBParameterGroupState; Request ID: 9c2df930-c3c7-4e93-b2b9-9762cd1ab690; Proxy: null).

I can also see in the AWS billing, the neptune is still charging me even though there is 0 neptune database.

Can someone tell me how to avoid getting charged by neptune? And how to remove those 2 parameter groups?

질문됨 4년 전2319회 조회
3개 답변


After you create your first Neptune cluster, two default parameter groups get created (one is a database instance parameter group and the other is a cluster parameter group). These two default parameter groups cannot be deleted. There's no charge for these or any other parameter groups within Neptune. There are only four types of billable charges that would appear under the Neptune section of your bill: GB/month for Neptune cluster storage, GB/month for Neptune snapshot storage, I/O requests, and instance hours. If you have deleted all of your Neptune clusters, I would check to make sure you've removed any unwanted snapshots as well.

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답변함 4년 전

Is there a way to check where the cluster is? From AWS Console, certainly I can't see anything.

답변함 4년 전

Found the snapshot. Removed it.

Edited by: blackpapers on Mar 4, 2021 2:26 PM

답변함 4년 전

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