Why are my AWS Glue Studio notebook interactive sessions termination times are inconsistent?


My AWS console user sessions auto logout setting is 45 minutes. I see my interactive AWS Glue Studio notebook sessions either gets terminated at 45 minutes, or at 12 hours for few sessions or at 48 hours for few sessions. How can I get a consistent session termination experience and avoid unexpected costs?

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질문됨 일 년 전1.3천회 조회
1개 답변
수락된 답변
  1. If the user launches a notebook and no cells have been executed, AWS Glue Studio notebook times out after 12 hours.
  2. Once the user executes a cell, this will start an interactive session with default timeout value as 48 hours.
  3. Within this 48 hour window, if the user logs out, or closes browser tab, glue studio stops the open session immediately.
  4. In case of a edge scenario like “terminate” an app - i.e. force close the browser, the session will be terminated at the default timeout (48 hours) value.

Users have the control on changing this default timeout value to a much lower value by defining a custom idle-timeout using Magics before executing the cell, so the session don’t wait for the 48 hour mark and gets terminated at user defined value.

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