Help with enabling new lambda runtime in older CDK version (1.2.0)


I have an old project that uses CDK v1.2.0. Among other things this project creates a lambda function for custom cf resource. I do not have the time to upgrade the CDK version to the latest. Also as the application is for purely internal demo purpose, I dont think there is any security issue in using the old version of CDK.

My current issue is that I am not able to deploy the project as the nodejs lambda runtime version is no longer supported by AWS. So I would like to know if there is any quick hacky way of enabling the new lambda runtime in the old CDK version. I tried to add the latest runtime version macros in the old version. But I was getting errors. If someone can guide me to do it the correct way, I would really appreciate it.

질문됨 일 년 전226회 조회
1개 답변


I see that you are trying to deploy a cdk v1.2.0 project but as that nodejs lambda runtime version is no longer supported by AWS, you wish to know a way to enable the new lambda runtime in the old CDK version.

I would like to inform you that the correct way here, would be to update the cdk version as the cdk version you are using currently is compatible to the nodejs lambda runtime version you have right now. If you override the runtime property to the latest one, the flow would break as it would not be compatible with the cdk version you are using currently and you would get errors again.

Therefore, I highly recommend you to update the CDK version to the latest.

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