Why can I not use an underscore '_' in the name of my ELB?


I'm trying to create an Elastic Load Balancer and it refuses to due to having an underscore in the name.

  • Underscores can't be used in domain names, as the underscore character isn't permitted. Hence, ELB is not designed to allow them too.

질문됨 6년 전835회 조회
1개 답변
수락된 답변

ELB names directly map to the DNS name created for it, and ‘_’ is not a valid in a URL, which has caused many places to not support underscores in DNS names, including Route 53. Since we use Route 53 we can’t actually work around this and haven’t seen the ask from customers to enable these non-URL compatible DNS names.

답변함 6년 전
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검토됨 15일 전

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