How can I define a table width in QuickSight?


I have added a table into my QuickSight analysis that contains on each rows textual feedback on our service. The problem that I am facing is that some of the textual feedbacks are really long making the table width huge, as it tries to keep the texts in a single line. QuickSight handles viewing the whole line by adding a horizontal scroll bar to the table.

For my usage this is nevertheless suboptimal, as I would like to create a pdf-report out of my analysis and the pdf creation tool will cut the texts on the pdf page width and leave textual content out of the table.

What I would like the system to do is that if the text in an individual cell is really long, that it would increase the cell height and present the text in multiple lines.

I have tried to do this by increasing shell height from Format visual > Cells > Row Height and checking the Wrap text checkbox from Format visual > Cells > Wrap text. Nevertheless, this only makes the cell height larger and does not limit the table width, so the texts stay in one line and does not wrap it.

질문됨 2년 전1064회 조회
1개 답변
수락된 답변

Hi -

You are on the right track. You just need to do one more step.

  1. Increase Cell Row Height
  2. Make sure "Wrap text" is checked
  3. **Hover over your column header divider and resize the column width. ** This will be dragging to left, smaller, and smaller until it's the size you want.

The Cell Row Height will apply to all rows but you'll have wrapped text.

답변함 2년 전
  • This was the correct answer to my question, even though it was not the outcome that I was seeking for... Having fixed cell height for the table makes the table pretty ugly as some of the cells have only little text and some have a lot

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