Is SVOGI still supported?


What is the recommended method for global illumination in lumberyard?

I read about svogi in lumberyard but it has been tagged as legacy feature. Then I came across light probes but those do not appear to be a fully dynamic solution like SVOGI because you have to strategically place the probes in advance.

So is SVOGI still being worked on or is it going to be dropped?

질문됨 5년 전188회 조회
20개 답변

HM I had no idea it had been tagged as so yesterday, I wonder if they , as well as other engines, are going for ray-tracing.

Supposedly, cryengine raytracing on the burner given their ray-tracing 'demo' - so I could easilly see LY , based in part o CE, doing the same ?

Dunno, but everyone is, the thingis tho, unrealengine seems to be going with RTX wit his VERY expensive for solo developers to necessarily afford, I know I can not , definitely not ugrade to rtx at thistime..aint no way.

Maybe what Cryegine is doing is less expensiove for those like me, who can't go there, yet.

One can hope!! Sad to think you're being squeezed outof dev just bc your GPU is a tad too ancient tho mine is hardly ,ancient GTX 950-tho ya if you look at nvidias site, its GETTING there fast- but I still can play most things on max without sweating a lot.

I look fwd to CE/LY keeping it real and helping those NOT on giant budgets to compete and still get near or at ray-tracing visuals.

BTW, there isno way to just COMMENT , which is ridiculous by this time, and Ido not necessarily consider this an answer, as I didn't know GI wasn't being possibel axed for ,,something else.


답변함 5년 전


답변함 5년 전

2 weeks ago, anything yet Commander ? :)_)

답변함 5년 전

2 weeks ago, anything yet Commander ? :)_)

답변함 5년 전

2 weeks and nothing, time to export my terrain elsewhere.

답변함 5년 전


A entire month, Shepherd have you heard anything ?

DOesn't matter that much, but it would be nice knowing what lighting, since often its ALL about game dev, is doing in LY .

답변함 5년 전

Has there been any clarification on this point? As SVOGI is marked as legacy, it does raise the question of what approach to GI we should take going forward, which is rather important.

답변함 4년 전


답변함 4년 전

Thank you for the response. I was a bit puzzled, as I've gone through the basic tutorials and I got the impression that this was a standard way of implementing dynamic lighting in Lumberyard, rather than being something experimental or legacy.

I understand that dynamic GI is always going to be expensive. Are there any plans to pursue an RTX-based GI system, which might become more interesting come the new console generation?

답변함 4년 전


I don't have any information regarding RTX plans, sorry. Definitely some cool stuff happening in that space.

답변함 4년 전

Thanks. The style of game we're looking at is quite similar to the Lumberyard Starter Game, which is part of the reason it drew my interest. So, the dynamic lighting in Starter Game is using baked environment probes, and not any form of dynamic GI?

답변함 4년 전


답변함 4년 전

@REDACTEDUSER in the video below you can see the result of my work.

답변함 4년 전


답변함 4년 전

This is fantastic news! Does this mean that we can expect the release of a new lighting method in the near future? The ray-optimized trail is optimized for everyone, it's just phenomenal!

I'm interested in graphic programming! But what do you mean?

답변함 4년 전

[quote="didzey, post:16, topic:6599"] This is fantastic news! Does this mean that we can expect the release of a new lighting method in the near future? [/quote]


답변함 4년 전

Okay, but unfortunately I'm not a graphic programmer.... But I know one person who is an expert in this! I'll let him know, maybe he'll do it. I also need to know what he can get if he does this task? Can we get into a face-to-face conversation?

답변함 4년 전


답변함 4년 전

I never managed to improve the picture quality. Maybe someone can teach me how to work with Global Illumination correctly? We would very much like to expect improvements to this experimental feature in the near future. I think this is really necessary

답변함 4년 전

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