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CID Dashboards doesn't update even after updating dataset


I have refreshed the datasets today Enter image description here

but the dashboard shows it was updated 8 days ago. Enter image description here

Is there any way to force an update or manually refresh the dashboards?

2개 답변
수락된 답변

The updated date stamp refers to the last time the dashboard structure was updated, not the data itself. The structure updates would be features of the dashboard such as new or improved visuals that the CID team has created to provide more functionality to gain additional insights to your data. Updating your dashboard structure is not strictly necessary, but recommended if you want to take advantage of these feature enhancements. The underlying data displayed in the dashboard will update when the datasets are refreshed. See above comment for the link to the instructions for updating the dashboard version.

답변함 일 년 전

You can update the dashboards by following the instructions in this Well Architected Lab. The screenshot you are showing shows when the dashboard was last updated. You can verify the version of the dashboard you are running by going into the Dashboard then scrolling to the right and clicking "About". The latest version for CUDOS is 4.78.0.

답변함 일 년 전

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