S3 lifecycle rule scan charges


A customer wants to understand the costs associated with S3 life cycle rules . our documentation has references to on Life cycle transition charges on AWS monthly calculator (https://calculator.s3.amazonaws.com/index.html) and no reference on the Lifecycle scanning charges.

Are there any charges for the Lifecycle rule processing (something like scanning will turn them into LIST calls)?

질문됨 4년 전492회 조회
1개 답변
수락된 답변

When you archive objects to Amazon S3 Glacier by using object lifecycle management, Amazon S3 transitions these objects asynchronously. There might be a delay between the transition date in the lifecycle configuration rule and the date of the physical transition. You are charged Amazon S3 Glacier prices based on the transition date specified in the rule. For more information, see the Amazon S3 Glacier section of the Amazon S3 FAQ


Additional charges to be consider. https://aws.amazon.com/s3/faqs/#How_is_my_storage_charge_calculated_for_Amazon_S3_objects_archived_to_Amazon_Glacier https://aws.amazon.com/s3/faqs/#How_am_I_charged_for_deleting_objects_from_Amazon_Glacier_that_are_less_than_3_months_old

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