IoT Greengrass multiple core devices


If I have multiple devices to install IoT Greengrass, should I create one greengrass core device each? If I want to create 100 greengrass devices, I wonder that I need to create and manage 100 core devices one by one. I think it will be difficult to create and manage 100 greengrass devices.

1개 답변


Each Greengrass device should be an individual device, you cannot share a Greengrass installation across multiple devices. To install on many devices, look at the provisioning options that Greengrass supports:

After installation, use IoT Thing Groups and create Greengrass deployments to the thing group to deploy and manage all 100 devices at the same time.

Definitely just get started with a single device and make sure you understand how Greengrass is working for you before you start to scale to more than a single device.



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