AWS CDK: Should I be importing the *V2 modules?


I'm just starting out with the AWS CDK for Python. I see in the reference, there are several modules that have V2 appended to them:

  • aws_elasticloadbalancing vs aws_elasticloadbalancingV2

  • aws_apigateway vs aws_apigatewayV2

I could not find this anywhere in the docs.

질문됨 6달 전152회 조회
1개 답변


"aws_elasticloadbalancing" is used when creating a classic load balancer.
Therefore, you need to use "aws_elasticloadbalancingV2" when creating ALB or NLB.

The aws-cdk-lib/aws-elasticloadbalancing package provides constructs for configuring classic load balancers.

Use "aws_apigatewayV2" when creating Websocket and HTTP APIs, and "aws_apigateway" when creating REST APIs.

This module supports features under API Gateway v2 that lets users set up Websocket and HTTP APIs. REST APIs can be created using the aws-cdk-lib/aws-apigateway module.

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