Shutdown APIGateway after Budget limit


Is there any way to automatically shutdown API gateway that triggers Lambda once my AWS account hits a specific budget limit?

1개 답변
수락된 답변

In October of 2020, AWS released AWS Budget Actions [1][2][3]. This enables you to create a budget alert that takes an action. Amongst the possible actions is sending a notification to an SNS topic which can have a Lambda function as a subscriber. That Lambda can do whatever the Lambda has permissions for. Note that AWS Budgets get updated up to 4 times per day. So it could take up to 24 hours for the Budget Alert to notice the increase in API GW spend and therefore trigger the action and Lambda.




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답변함 2년 전
  • I created IAM roles for APIGW and Budgets to which I attached policies allowing the invoking of Lambdas and the attachment/detachment of role policies, respectively. I also created a policy that denies the ability to invoke a Lambda ("kill"). To test I created a usage budget with a threshold right above my current message count, with an action to have Budgets attach the "kill" policy to the APIGW invoke role. I ran my app and waited and it worked as intended: Budgets attached the "kill" policy and stopped APIGW from being able to invoke Lambdas.

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